Wine Ceremony
/Wording to be shared by officiant:
"Throughout history, in nearly all cultures and traditions, the sharing of a cup of wine has been used as a universal, central moment of sharing during significant moments. For many it symbolizes the celebration of the harvest, the changing seasons of life, or the ultimate personal sacrifice which others have made on our behalf.
Wine is, after all, the result of years of hard work, the tender care of the grape, a thoughtful mix of ingredients, the patient fermenting, and the unique flavors of each year.
So it is fitting that the couple take their first cup of wine as husband and wife, to not only celebrate all that has taken pace in their lives to this point, but as an expression of hope and faith in the harvest of their lives, the commitment they make, the sacrifice of all whom has made this moment possible."
I suggest purchasing a bottle of red and white then combine them in a carafe. I love this idea for displaying the wine.